Horticultural Complex CHA Agadir Master Water andSustainable Horticulture 2023

with Wageningen University
Horticultural Complex of Agadir :
International Master’s Program in Water and Sustainable Horticulture – October 2023
مركب ايت ملول أكادير – مباراة ولوج الماستر 2023
Dernier Délai : 18/09/2023

CHA Horticultural Complex of Agadir
International Master in Water and Sustainable Horticulture- October 2023



In alignment with the Green Generation Plan and in collaboration with Wageningen University, the Agadir Horticultural Complex (C.H.A) is pleased to launch an innovative and English-taught Master’s program in Water and Sustainable Horticulture (WSH) for the academic year 2023 – 2024, representing its second cohort. This groundbreaking program marks a significant step in addressing critical challenges pertaining to water management and sustainable horticulture.

Admission Eligibility:

Prospective candidates should hold a bachelor’s, master’s, engineering degree, or an equivalent qualification in fields such as agriculture, agronomy, economics, zootechnics, sociology, rural geography, and related disciplines.

For further , détails, please contact:

NB: The shortlist is limited to 20 places

الاعلان الرسمي

International Master in Water and Sustainable Horticulture- October 2023

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