Université Faculté Études Anglaises


licence d’Études Fondamentales (LF)

FLSH-  Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines

كلية  الاداب والعلوم الانسانية

 Études Anglaises الدراسات الانجليزية

معلومات ومحتوى الشعبة حسب اخر التعديلات 


OBJECTIFS DE LA FORMATIONUniversité Faculté Études Anglaises Licence d'Etudes Fondamentales (LF)

  • Donner une formation de base en langue anglaise
  • Consolider les acquis en langue et culture
  • Préparer aux études universitaires
  • Préparer au marché du travail, en particulier aux métiers de l’enseignement, de la traduction, de l’animation culturelle, du tourisme et des média.
















1ère AnnéeS1Reading Comprehension  and Précis 1Paragraph WritingGrammar 1


Spoken English


Guided ReadingStudy Skills


Langue et Terminologie1
S2Reading Comprehension and Précis 2Composition 1


Grammar 2


Oral communicationReadings in CultureBusiness CommunicationLangue et Terminologie2
2ème AnnéeS3Extensive readingComposition 2


Grammar 3


Public Speaking

and debating

British + US Culture and SocietyInitiation to Translation
S4Introduction to Literature


Advanced Composition  & intro to researchIntroduction  to LinguisticsIntroduction to Media Studies


Introduction to cultural studiesTranslation

(Arabic-English – Arabic)

3ème AnnéeS56 modules
S64 modulesProjet

tutoré 1


tutoré 2


  • La création de la filière ‘Etudes Anglaises’ entre dans le cadre du plan d’urgence de la réforme pédagogique de l’enseignement supérieur et vise à contribuer à la mission d’enseignement et de formation assignée à l’université. Le cadre  de cette filière a été élaboré de façon à illustrer la conception de l’institution universitaire en tant que centre de développement et d’ouverture sur l’environnement économique et social. Elle a aussi été conçue en tant que contexte de formation de l’étudiant en vue de son intégration dans le monde du travail et vise en même temps à le  préparer aux études académiques susceptibles de contribuer à son développement intellectuel et à son aptitude à la recherche.
  • Les composantes de la filière, ses modules et les disciplines incluses dans chaque module ont été élaborés de manière à concrétiser le caractère inter-disciplinaire de l’enseignement et de la formation que la réforme de l’enseignement supérieur vise à réaliser. D’autre part, un dosage aussi équilibré que possible entre des modules à caractère académique fondamental et des modules techniques et professionnels a été respecté de façon à concrétiser la mission de formation et de recherche de l’université, tout en donnant à l’étudiant les moyens de s’intégrer dans la vie active et de s’adapter aux mutations économiques, sociales et culturelles de la société.
  •  D’un autre côté, l’organisation de la filière répond à un besoin d’ouverture sur des champs disciplinaires autres que ceux traditionnellement associés aux études de langue et de littérature. Cet essai d’ouverture vise d’une part à donner à l’étudiant une formation globale et à lui inculquer une souplesse d’esprit lui permettant de mieux s’adapter aux exigences de la vie du 21ème siècle. Elle vise d’autre part à instaurer une coopération inter-institutionnelle et à abolir les cloisons traditionnelles qui ont contribué à la fragmentation de l’enseignement supérieur.

254 Commentaires

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    • hiiii !!! i have a hard decision wallah !!! khassny na3raf achnou khassny ndir bi l anglais ou rah kanjib fiha 16 17 oul hmd mta9af fiha mzayan ou 3ziza 3liya but khassny na3raf l afa9 dyawalha the advantages !!! pleas and thanks

      • Me to i get this year in english a good marks 20/18.5/17
        and i make like your decision but i am not sure about what can i do after doing ENGILSH STUDIES

      • hello everybody

        i’ve the same probleme that you’ve so i just wanna make the best decision
        and for know the right way so i am realy nervous about this
        i like somebody help me , thans

        • Just do it … and everything’s gonna be alright…I have the same feeling . I’m afraid too . but whatever , let’s try and I’m sure we will do better 🙂

          • you made me feel okay xd can u please the web sit were you had subscribe in ??? please and do you know when there is the exam for enttering to the uni ??

        • there is several things that you can do with your english deplomat first of all you can be an english teacher for high school and you will get 5000DH or more or you can finish your studies and become a university teacher and in this case you will get up to 30 000 dh or you can be a global teacher in this case you will need a tefl diplomat which requires a lot of courses, but anyways you will be lucky to travel around the world and see different things and agood payment of course👌 another job which is being a translator in hopes i have helped you ,

        • The Only Thing You Have To Do is To Work at Calls Center Then When You Get Payed. Study Something Else Like : Art Or Computer Study Till You Get Another Chance in Life
          best Wishes

      • Hello,
        For those who want to choose English for their career , but they still afraid of the jobmarket
        I want to give you one advice from my position as an English student .Let’s begin qualifications first . If you love English , it doesn’t mean you will succeed at University , however , you can start from zero and become a successful student if you work hard .For the job market , do not care about what others say about English since there many job occupation that you can get with English . FOr instance , working as a teacher , you can get 5000-12000 it depend on the teacher grade ; also , working in tourism. Furthermore , the most improtant job for English student is Transiltion . Why !!
        can you beleive that you can get 10000DH up to 40000 (per month ,it depends on you skills ) working as a translator . therefore , if you are looking for being rich with English , go ahead , work hard, study Translition .

      • Dear !
        The wonderful thing about english , the internationalty of this language , also to be allowed to this exp. you need more than 14 as a mark and also , you need special skills like reading , speaking , writting at the end the magic on this is like steve jobs said , if you love to do this just do it !! « 

      • التعليم : لا يحتاج لشرح ،يترواح اجر المدرس مابين 5000 الى 12000 درهم حسب درجة السلم
        مترجم عادي : العمل لدى شركة يكون لديها علاقة مع شركات اجنبية مما يتطلب ان يكون لديها مترجم اي من يترجم الرسائل و الخطابات و الاوراق و المستندات الخ ، اجر ضعيف مابين 2000 الى 4000 درهم
        مترجم محلف لدى الدولة : نفس عمل المترجم العادي لاكن يترجم ما يخص الاوراق الادارية التي لها علاقة بالحكومة مثلا تريد ان تقوم بدفع طلب من اجل فيزا (تاشيرة) للسفر الى دولة تتحدت الانجليزية (انجلترا ، امريكا ، استراليا ،…) لايمكنك ان تدفع الاوراق الادارية المطلوبة باللغة العربية الى السفارات لدى تتوجه لدى المترجم المحلف يترجم لك الوثائق مثال ( وثيقة عقد الازدياد يترجمها ب 100 او 150 درهم و هي وتيقة لا تستغرق من الوقت حتى 5 دقائق ) اجر هاته الوظيفة متعلق بك و بمهاراتك و يتراوح بين 5000 الى 40000 درهم شهريا
        الاشتغال في سفارة : لا اعرف الكثير عن هاته الوظيفة غير ان الاجر يكون عالي +10000 درهم
        وزارتي الدفاع والداخلية : نفس عمل المترجم لاكن العمل هنا في ما يخص الوزارات و المراسلات و ترجمتها و يتضمن هذا السفر مع بعتة الوزير الى البلدان و يكون ايضا الاجر عالي +10000 درهم مع العديد من الامتيازات حيث يعمل المتخصص في اللغات في جمع وترجمة المعلومات والتقارير العسكرية والأمنية وأعمال التحقيق والقضاء
        العمل في شركات الطيران
        و العديد من الوظائف …

      • Salam 3likom lah ikhalikom li 3ando doross dyal 3semestre send it to me please am so far to assist every day please lah ikhalikom am maria voila mon n 0697411730

      • Dartiha ba9i or not cause I’m like you now and I don’t know what should I do wallah please any advise?

      • okay so you can work as the primary teacher or an english teacher or f charikat l3ala9at l3ama m3a l ajanib or les centres d’appels or f 9ita3 terjama…

    • Hello everyone , i have a serious problem and its causing me depression
      so i had my bac in 2014 then i went streight to ista , studied 2years and now i want to join the english department.. So the problem is i only studies Spanish as a second language in bac no certificate that says that I’ve already studied english..


    • Hello everyone , i have a serious problem and its causing me depression
      so i had my bac in 2014 then i went streight to ista , studied 2years and now i want to join the english department.. So the problem is i only studies Spanish as a second language in bac no certificate that says that I’ve already studied english.. PLUS I CAN’T SEEM TO LOGIN.


  • salam na9dar na9ra f britania adab inglizi il kan 3andi no9at 3alyin matalan ana jais 1 bac o 3amarni manzalt 3la 20 sur 20 f englais t9adro t3awnoni

      • ana ngolikom ach kayen je suis étudiante en 3eme année branche études anglaises rah 3andi deug o dakchi dyal temchi l England wla USA makayen meno walo

        • Hello my friends ! I have a scientiific Bac but i feel that i am going on the wrong way . Now I am thinking to change this by following my heigher studies in English and why not to finish it in a foreign country like USA or GB . once I read your comment i hesitated a litle bit . if you were in my tereble situation what would you do ???

          • First of all my dear you should not hesitate cuz if u have an aim to reach u will reach it no matter how far it might be or how many people r letting u down n if you go to read my responses n comments in this page u will find exacetelly who am i n how i want to impress people n encourage them to go for english! if you wana opt for the English studies go for it n have faith that things will end up like you wanted them to be, wait for the inscriptions of the universities it will b oopened in d 3 september insha allah then go for english n be brave n have hopes if u want any infos any help send me a message in my account oumaima nobiyuki ( u cannot send a request only msgs) i will be helpfull for you all, but please it’s avaliable only for serious cases have a good time sir fi amani lah

          • hi oumaima could you please give me some prospects of English Studies because i got 19 in the English language in bac exams so is it a good way in my life ??

        • khti loubna, ana yala bghit ndir etudes anglaises et g aucune idee, stp tu px m`expliquer juste un peu chno tat9raw chnahuma les modules li s3ab o wech kayn imkan anak tvalidi b mention ila kenti tat bossi f anglais?? et merci d`avance

          • salam alikom anessa j’esper que tu vas tres b1; svp brit nsozlk zech raki dayra daba études anglais f la fac !!! psk j’ai besoin d’info lah yjazik bekhir merci d’avance

        • hi loubna how are you ? how you doing ? pleas i need your help soon bghitak tgoli liya 3afak achnou 9ata9ray fil lkoliya dyal anglais ? ou chnahoma l afa9 ?? ou wach kaychoufou no9ta dyal bac dyal langlais wla la !! and thank you !!! and this is my facebook : Nourdine ziani . thanks

          • Had l3am les preselection ghayweliw men no9at dyal lbac l watani

    • Hhhhh ila Kenty bagha te9ray adab inglizi f britania ra les frais dyal lmedariss temak fel 3am makinezlooch 3la 12millions lfoo9 o ILa Kenty 9adra 3liha lah ywef9ak mais Bach tgoli te9rayha bla matkgelssi les frais ze3ma fhal m3a dawla ra khassek diri bzzf dyal l ijra2at Hite ntia gha met3almaha ama temak ra kihedro biha ye3ni y9odro ykono faytinek f niveau mais anyways lah yssehel 3lik

  • salut, hi

    Ana andi ANGLAIS Mezyan , w bghit ndir la licence ANGLAIS andi bac ancienne 2000

    Wash yemkenli ndirha daba? w shenou l afak dyalha afakoum jawbouni

  • Hi .Svp Vous Pouvez M’aider Je Veux Faire La Littairature anglaise et je ss pas j vais faire quoi ou j vais étudier ou quand j pris mon bac

    • Bonsoir! ana kan9ra anglais mn 2010 f la fac rah l9adiya 9aaaassha machi fhal dakchi dyal l BAC…hit kolchii l9awa3id kitbadlo mli katbday te9ray littérature mohim ana kan9raha f jdida o hia as3ab faculté

        • Tmeak fin kayban niveau dial bessa7 dial bnadem 😉 , li 3aref ghir i7fad tmak ghayban 3la moustawah, wli kayfham logha mezyan ghay dir chi 7aja

          • yes khouti tama kayban koulchi
            ana 9rit f 2012/2013 f la fac english department o hta ana kant kanjib 20o 19 mais f la fac rah khassek tkon sba3 o tjib dik no9ta dialk mz1 hitach kolchi kays3ab o kaywali 3lik himl t9il nta ma7iltk tb9a t9alab 3la vocabulary ma7iltak l gramatical rules
            mais khouti li dartiha f lecture 3awdha o 3awdha f dar bach tlsa9
            o kantmanaw lkhir lkola wahed o bl3amal kayosal bnadem

      • nup 7biba it’s not the case blach mateb9aw tkhel3u f nass things r easy simple n very cool! english is for all my dear n it’s not that hard all u need to do to improove it is to read n read n listen to english texts! u can do this all in a very short tile n u will be soo much better than other ppl who thought that they are d best! Never understimate d efforts of people n their wills n hope u can never know how able they are ! U R FREE PPL TO DO WHAT EVERR U WANT ENGLISH IS FOR ALL U NEED ONLY TO CONCENTRATE N READ AS MUCH AS U CAN fi amani lah 😉

        • Hi u seem to know a lot abt English Studies
          I just wanna know they teach u some courses in French right? I really suck in French so does it have any impact on my years results +Im shooting at least for « 14 » ? :p :p

          • hello my dear Slim Shady first i am not a student in english studies i have just got my bac ! anyway French is important too but it’s not the high level in it that can make u get ur schedule complete or no, u just have to be in d right path with d teacher n be

          • in d right path with him sso that u ll b so remarquable by him in that way he’ll know that u r interested in his subjects so u’ll b as near as poosssible too d courses n pay attention very well that’s not a big deal i see da u hav a gd level in english so u have nth to b afraid of ^_^ good luck

          • I’m not intersted and I don’t even like to enter French classes ,I was just trying to imagine the worst point I can get in Franch « 00 » for example (wal3iyado bilah) is it gonna have an impact on not getting « 14 » in the first and secont year ?????????
            forgods sakes will someone just help meh

        • hey toygar, based on wht u said, i assumed u know some stuf, well im in need of ur help, i wanna go to literature college to study english but the idea of french n arabie scared me, i can do well in french but arabic is kinda hard, so wht i need to knw exactly is, is it tht hard n complicated or they will teach us smtg simple n there is ntg to worry abt, plz answer me as soon as u can, n thnx a lot

        • Hi Toygar I just wanna ask ya somethin i’m a first year bac in science an i’m just not good at it but you see i think i have to change the leash but i’ll have to waste a year n i want to study english so please can U tell me what to do 🙂

  • slt tt le monde j’ai eu mon bac l’année dirniére w drt sv f la fs ibn zohr mhm ana dkhlt ghér module wa7d f S1 w mab9étch kan7dr f s2 3la wdét knt mrida w 9rrt anané nbdl l3am jay ndér anglais mé ssm3t bé makay9bloch les bac scientifique 7it ibn zohr wlat 3amra 3afakom lé 3ndo des informations é3awné rané wah 7ta b9a fya l7al bzzzzf 7itach dy3t 3am 3la gdo plzzzzzz d’ont forget me

  • Salam ana bitte ndire adabe anjlizi o 3andi English mzyana.mais mabritche ndire la faculter. wache kaynine des ecoles priver li n9darre n9rra fihoumme English mene rire la Fac

  • hi bro’s i get my bac this year and i want to study english what should i do ?
    if there is any information’s please contact me on my facebook bruce wine

    • hi i also get my bac this year and i want to study english and i want more information please if you can helpe me please contact me on my facebook bruce wine i wet you

  • اللي سخطت عليه مو يدير ادب انجليزي

    • slt ana had 3&m khadit lbac dili o flha9i9a ana mazal hayra ftmjihe diali walakinkanfkarndir anglais mais sma3t bli raha 9asha bzaf obli rire randi3 fiha oana dafa brit nsawlkom ila kan momkin 3la lmawad likadaras fiha o 3la darajat so3obtha lmh hadroliya 3liha ….3afakom

  • 3afak ila akn momkin tgolo lia 3andi 10 flawatni flenglais ou 15.75 fl9isam ojabt bac bmotion assez bien wach ghanta9abl fadab englizi ola nn chno la note likyahzo 3liha 3afakom glo lia rani mahkhlo3ab lamnta9blach

  • salut ana bara ndir afab englizi walakin khdit lbac ghir bmontion passable wach momkin nt9bal fiha

      • Hey people I got 20 both in the National exam and in class controles in English .. I am a SM student .. I got my Bac this year and I am interested in English Studies .. But I heard saying that I won’t be alawed to cause they don’t accept Scientific students ..
        Bagging to get a help PPL

    • la préinscription se fait par internet dans le lien suivant:http://preins.um5s.ac.ma/preins/index.php,puis,tu imprimes la fiche de preinsciption et tu déposes le dossier entre le 02 et 16 septembre,puis l’affichage des résultats se fait le 19 sept,après l’examen éctit/entretien à partir du 23 sept,et après l’affichage des résultats.et en fin l’inscription entre le 1 et 7 octobre 🙂

  • salut ana khdite lbac had L3am maselak ladabe oubeghite nediire adabe inejelizi oubaghi ne3ref ahem lmawad li kaye9raw fiha Mmmmmmm chi information li te9der tefideni f la fac 3afakom l3am jay et merciiiiiiii

    • assalamu aleykum Muhammed, pour les matières kate9raw 2heures arabes et 2heures français f semana, mais ma taba9a kullu anglais kate9raw l’histoire et geographie d imma GEART BRITAIN ulla AMERICA 3la 7ssab lmaslak li tinak 3melti imma anglais britanique ula americaine, u kate9raw ainsi l public speaking c une matiere très importaaaaaante u katfid bzf f les conferences insha allah ainsi kate9raw l comprehension les textes bien sur, xritings les productions ecrite et reading bach tawro la prononciation dialkum ^_^c tout bonne chance i wish u a great luck fi amani lah

    • hello El mekkaoui, first on all u should know where is the nearest university for u because there is a strict geographical division 5tawzi3 joghrafi) well first english is for all so you will find no difficulties requesting to the university no matter what your field of study is ! u can choose very very great options n as i see u have a brillant english level, anyway the inscription of the universities of english will be opened in the 3 september 3/09/2013 till the 27/09/2013, once they open the website start ur incription n after it immidiately when u see ur self in the list go fast to d unversity for the (depot) of your file and i wish u a very good luck dear! fi amani lah

      • since i’ve seen your comments you seemed to me to be very helpful , so iwanted to ask ya if you could possibly give me some instructions in the following probleme i’ve got my bacc in a scientific branch but i’m sick of chasing those symboles i wanted to try english since i’ve been quiet a good student in it , can you plz help ’cause i couldn’t register in english studies all that had in the selection bare is semlalia (scientific studies) & economic ….. cold ya plz gimme some help here

    • I am so glad to be on this site today in other to express myself to the world because i made a promise to Dr james that if he grants me my heart desire that i am going to make sure that the world knows about his powers.. My lover left me nine weeks ago after searching for solution all over i came across Dr james via: [dr.jamesukespelltemple100@yahoo.com] OR +2347055620537 and i was convinced with what i read about Dr.james So i contacted Dr.james for help, With my greatest surprise my lover came back to me within 48 hours.. Once again don’t forget Dr.james contact details which are [dr.jamesukespelltemple100@yahoo.com] OR +2347055620537.. Dr james i am so glad that i met you.


      • actually we have such things in morocco n they’re more efficent than your beloved james but thanks anyway !! 😉

  • hello .ana khdit el bac dyal had el 3am 2013 b 13.66 ou bghit ndir english studies jebt f engalis f el watani 17.75 o el 9isem 17 o dewezt el concour kan sahel bezaaaaaaaf mais f lekher kantfajae beli mat9eblch momkin t9olo liya chno el hal 3afakom

    • assalamu alekum awalan a khay le concour li duezti machi dial la fec section anglaise ghadi ikun d chi ecole akhra prck la secton anglaise publique mafihachi concours, db l7al f nadari ida kunti 7ab te9ra l’anglais u kat3ejbek ghadi tsayen l’inscription li ghada tkun meftu7a men le 3 septembre ghadin ibdaw pre-inscription en ligne ghadi t9aleb 3la le site d la fac li fel mdina dialek ula f la province u ghadi tedfe3 u deposi ton dossier ^_^ insha allah ikun khir ^_^

  • slt cv ana khdit lbac avec mention assez bien f ladab o daba talfe mabine adab englais o français o rah 3andi f lmora9aba 16 fanglais o lfrançais 13 o bnissba l’anglais f l’examen national 18 3afakom bach tns7onni

  • Salam 3alaykom
    dert la preinscription en ligne o khtarit ndir l’economie fla fac souissi mais bghit nbedelha o ndir les etudes anglaises mais ma9dartch nbbadallha 7it ma3tawni 7ta chi possibilité bach nghayar mon choix f le site
    bghit na3raf si c possible de modifier mn choix wlla nn. Merci

    • salam sara ,actually that happened to me , but the only way to change your choice is to go to the university and tell theme your story and then they will accept you in any thing you want , good luck 🙂

  • hello my name is sarah , i got my back with the mark 15 , but unfortunately no school accept me just fst but because of the experience of other people in this school makes me go in the other way from it, in the other hand i find always my self in love with english so i decide to join the university to study english but until no no one told me any thing about this field so please help me , do i need to pass any test befor joining this field ? and is that a good way for me ? any thing friends just show me the way pllllz 🙁 cuz i’m really so lost

    • take it easy yo its not that big of dilemma.
      (and don’t you ever build your decisions about what you’re gonna study
      on other peoples opinions about feilds,majors.. cause they’re reflecting they’re likes and dislikes not yours)
      You said you like English then give it a try, but English in college is not like in high school ,you have to give it more effort and work hard and hard everyday just like in ANY OTHER FIELD in college, and theres lots of fun and good moments in the midst.
      its that simple

    • salam alikom young lady i wish u doing great !! i just wanna ask u about english studies!! are u now studyin it in university !!! coz i need some info if u dnt mind young lady

  • ana khdit lbac had l3am obghit ndir l’englais plz bghit lidayr had la branche ifidni bchi 7aja svp

  • salut , je suis en 2éme année bac svt , j’aime la langue anglaise trop plus que toute les autres matiéres et je pense à faire insha2alah l’anné prochaine les études anglaise , mais le probléme c’est que je sais pas quoi faire aprés, ze3ma wach kayn chi afaa9 fiiha , et aussi je veux savoir est ce que les étude anglaise sont facile ou nnnnn !!! et aussii chhal man sa3a ki9raw f la semaiine

    • ta3lim ola tarjama hado homa alfa9 dyal English studies
      wila kan 3ndak zhar tlagay m3a shi minha dyal USA ola UK wathazak mn hna
      9raya bin 2h tal 5h fnhar

  • Salam, ana 3andi bac smpc o daba 3andi 2eme année faculté des sciences SMC, o kanfham l anglais, bGhiiit l3am jay n9raHa, wach Khas Darori nkon 9arya dakchiii li 9aryin nass li chadin bac anglais 3ad N9ad Liihaa ???

    • NON Inssaf machi b daoroura! ana 3andi bac 2011 Svt o 9rite 1 année f la fac d’économie 2011/2012 après 9labt dert English studies, lli ma3andhomch bac litteraire kaydawzo wa7ad test dyal 30 min normalement dyal Grammar (chi 7aja sahla) mais 5assak t3arfi blli rah machi sahal dakshi, dik anglais dyal lycée ola dyal MTV maghatanfa3ch, l9adiya 9ass7a mais 5ass ghi l5adma o commitement okolshi ydouz mazyane! Bonne chance 🙂

  • I am so glad to be on this site today in other to express myself to the world because i made a promise to Dr james that if he grants me my heart desire that i am going to make sure that the world knows about his powers.. My lover left me nine weeks ago after searching for solution all over i came across Dr james via: [dr.jamesukespelltemple100@yahoo.com] OR +2347055620537 and i was convinced with what i read about Dr.james So i contacted Dr.james for help, With my greatest surprise my lover came back to me within 48 hours.. Once again don’t forget Dr.james contact details which are [dr.jamesukespelltemple100@yahoo.com] OR +2347055620537.. Dr james i am so glad that i met you.


  • Saluuut ana 9an9ra daba fl bac scientifique (physique)
    Bghit ndir l anglais inshaalah mais khayfa kola wach tigolia
    u ma3reftch chkon ransswl ila kan b2imkankom t3awnoni plz
    I need your help . This is my Facebook if you want to help me : Brenda Lawson

    • Bouchra regarde en haut ya un gars qui avait donné son face , il a eu sa license en litterature anglaise, il peut t’aider 🙂

  • ana daba flbc svt ebghite ndire english fla fac ebn zohr agadire ebghite n3rfe wache memkine echhale mne sway3e kay9raw .wache s3iba bzafe ela 4ire chwya

  • Coucou
    kouki de casa
    j’ai eu mon bac et puis dert la fac eco et gestion
    je veux changer de filière bghit ndir l’anglais f la fac ain chok j’ai eu f bac 18 mora9aba et 19.5 watani en anglais et i can talk english fluently
    je suis très bonne en anglais francais et arabe as well
    chno khassni ndi bach nt9yed et wach kayn chi test et imta les inscriptions pour 2014/2015 , et wach makiswloukch apr pq tu as changé de secteur ?
    chno l afa9 men ghir traductric oula enseignatnte ? cuz i’m not really interested in any of those
    makaynach chi haja f des sociétés surtt les multinationales ? .. par expl en domaine de communication, relations publiques etc ..?
    svp li dar biha chi haja men ghir enseignemen et traduction ifid lakhrin oula li 3arf que katdar biha autre chose
    et wach fiha hfada bzaf ? car ana bilingue 3ndi les langues fhal lma mais ma3ndich m3a hfada kanfhem ktar makanhfad
    svp des infos
    et surtout 3la imta t9yad ou chno kikhass et wach kayn test et ch kaydiro fih etc ..
    merci d’avance

  • hello every ont i hope that you are fine
    about my situation: i got my baccalaureate in 2011 in STE (science technique electrique)
    then i got to sudy electronique in tanger for one year then i change this field
    next i start studing at BTS (brevet de technichien superieur )MCW(Multemedia &conception web)
    at the end of this year i will get my diplomate
    but i want to be an english teacher
    so i would like to study at english literature
    my mark in national exam 2011 in english was 17
    my question is : they will accept me with bac of 2011 or no ?
    waiting for your replies
    have a nice day
    yours faithfully

  • salam ana 5adt l bac had l 3am o la note f anglais hiya 17 wash rant9bal f la fac ?.bghit nsawal wash kayn chi blassa ghir la fac kat9ari etude anglais o ykon mo3taraf biha man dawla? et wash kadawaz des concours ou nn?

  • salaaaam ana chdit lbac had l3am bghit ndir l2adab linjlizi ma3raftch achmen wata2i9 taytalbo ? o kifach ntsajal ? 🙁

        • Zakaria svp j’ai des questions à te poser si tu veux bien sûr. Si oui passe privé sur fb ou google + svp, mon fb est Asmae Mekhfi et c’est Haylie Montie sur google +.
          I need help, please.
          Thanks anyway 🙂

  • salamo 3alaikom.3afakom chkon kayqra english letitrature f el jadida ye3tini 3liha ma3lomat 3la lqraya fhad lkolia wles profs dyal had cho3ba kif 3amlin wach mezianin.wach kaycher7o mezian.wlli men jedida wach momkin ntwasal m3a chi 7ad fhad cho3ba bach tfidoni wlahe yejazikom bikhir

    • oui fatima aussi fhalek bghit ndir les études anglaises f faculté d jdida o bghit des informations 3liha ; bn chance 🙂

        • ouii fatima swlt o galo kinin des prof mzyanin o t9adri twasli m3a nas tema ; et tkt blkhedma rah nwaslo inchallah l dakchi li bghina ; si tu vx pass ton facebook et en peut parler 😉

  • ISalam 3likom 3afakom ana had l3am chdit lbac b montion w bagha ndir adab englais w sara malin dar mabghawch 9aloli ma3andoch afa9 wach momkin tsa3doni w t9ololi chno homa l2afa9 dyalo f lmaghrib

  • salam khoti bghit nsawalkom ana 3ndi bac 2013 wbghit n ntsajal flfaculté adab injlizi wach y9blo mni lbac wla khas ykon lbac jdid ya3ni 2014 ?? answer me please !!

    • khask ykon 3ndek bac jdid mais wakha hakak ser tl3 o df3 b7al okhrin ohoma ygololik chno khask der

    • Salam auusi khdit lbac f 2013 w bagha ndir transfert l oujda w jebt 16,5 f anglais fnatio wach nte9bel ? aidez moi svp 🙁

  • Salam AnA BRIIT nA9RA F El Jadida anglais ms khid lBac ri B Passable o ana 3andi m3a anglais Mzn dima 19.5 ms f lwatani jebt 17.75 Bghit Na3raf Wach Imkan i 9abloni o Kifach Natssajel Pleaaaaaase !!!!!

  • hey there guys, in my case i got my baccalaureat with a « good » and i am afraid of not calling me in any other school such as medicine school so i thought that maybe i should finish my studies in english studying the subject i never had a problem with, but the problem is that my Bac is scientific and i feel like i am going to waste all of what i studied during the previous years, what shall i do? please help me….

  • salut ana 3ndi bac lettre b mention bien o7rt ma3rftch ach ndir wach nmchi l la faculté ola ndir chi ècole o7na ma3ndnach les ècoles bzaf plz golin lia ach ghandir et merci

  • bonjour mes amies cette année j’ai obtenu mon bac avec mention assez bien j’ai 17,5 dans la matiére d’englais est ce que je peux entrer à la faculté littéraire pour choisir englais ça veut est ce que c’est un bon choix à choisir pleaz help?!!!

  • salam,lkhoot wakha tgolo liya kifach kayt7tte test likatmchi dwzo bach t9bel,z3ma kidayr wach grammar ,comprehension ola gha presentation, plz need help !

  • hello everybody, is it true that english studies became 4 years instead of three. please answer 🙂

  • hello everyone i need helps *chna homa lmotalabat dyal techgil fi l fac for the first time* please *3awnoni ra le temps dyal tachgil beda et thnx

  • Hi There !! dit moi chkon limcha l la fac d souissi rabat b1 sur,bach ydowez test If you did so,we’ll be friends somehow ok here’s my fb profile AZDDIN ABDOUSS ,add me if you’re interested in being friends with me. 🙂

  • Salam !! alaah ijazikom bikhiir ima wajhoni ana aandi bac 2011 obghit ndiiir la fac (Etude anglais) c possible ?? Merci

    • nn khassek bac jdid .. l bac 7eddo 2 ans ki9dam
      dfe3 l bac libre o dkhel l 3am l maji inshaalah
      Good luck

  • salam ana 3ndi flinglizia 11.25 fl9ism o flwatani 17.25 wach momkin nt9bl f la faculté ibn zohr ???? wa chokran

  • Salam les amis . 3afakom ana khdit bac pc mention bien f 2013 w 9rit had l3am sciences éco fla fac w bghit nbedel lfilière had l3am . ana men Taza bghit ndir transfert l oujda mohim 3andi m3a l’anglais mais fnatio jebt fih ghi 16,5 . dites moi chno khasni ndir svp w wach ybghiw y3tiwni transfert l oujda ? 3awnouni 3afakom rani 3anadi 7ta 7el akhor men ghir anglais :'(

    • salam wach db lmochkila hhiya khayef may9blookch ? rah 3ndek 16 C’est à dire rak m9boool sans doute !!!!!!!!!

        • mochkilti hia anna Oujda machi ljiha dyali 7na s7ab taza kay3tiwna fes khayfa may3tiwnich transfers men taza l oujda . en + 3andi bac 2013 khayfa ytalboli bac jdid

          • khassek tjiblom chahada d sokna biannak saken f oujda w hadi fiha machakil sinnon sir l fes a7san lik good luck

  • Hi everybody !
    please can u help me I want to register at the university but i can’t find the register link !!!!!

  • slm khouti..ana nawya ndiir adab inglizi wkai3jbnii ms bghiit n3rf wash l9adia fiha 9as7a f 1annéé 7it mzl makankonoo shadin anglais mz1.ana bghiiit q7aab tjrriba ki jathom

  • slm khoti ana baghi ndir englis o 3andi 11.5 f no9tat englis f lwatani 0 16.5 f no9tat l9ism wch imkn nt9bal ola la 3awnoni 3afkom..

    • Machi concours my dear , ghir un petit test d niveau en francais machi en anglais , ila kant 3andk f l mark d national fo9 14 , you’ll be accepted ggod luck

  • hi i want to do english in niversity i have 15.64 in mora9aba but in the national exame 11.25 what shall i do.

    • I’m afraid you won’t be accepted , the english mark in the national exam must be 14 or over 14 .. good luck man 🙂

    • Ch7al jebti fiha? wach 3ziza 3lik ola 7a9ach mal9iti madir ? w dir f balek ta haja mashla wra l bac fin mamchiti w good luck 🙂

  • salam, SVP j’ai eu 16,5 en anglais fi natio bac 2014 / branche sc et technologie électrique / wash pr l’iscription keyn shi concours ?? wla shi haja ? et had faculté fin jat 🙂
    merci d’avance …

    • F Mohamedia .. f Casablanca ( Ben M’sik) .. Makinch chi concours , Ghir un petit test d niveau en français w Good luck 🙂

  • Hi every body i’m laila from casablanca.i would like to learn the english literary cause i love this language and i find my self in.but my problem that i have a former bac 2002 and actaually i’m fonctionnary,so please can you tell if it will be no easy for me to learn it because i will not be present in university all the time.i want to khnow if the presence is obligatory to succed?

    • In Mohamedia , The presence has a big impact , especially in the 2nd semester, But if you have some really hardworking classmates who attend every single class , that would be great , they’ll give you the sum up anyways ,However I had some some classmates who actually work and study at the same time who validated the whole semesters and others failed .. it depends on you GOOD LUCK

  • hi everybody i’m writing ya today to get some help ’cause i really need it first of all i have i scientific bacc but i’m done with this kinda studies i want to experience studying in a whole another different field so i selected english ’cause it was the thing that i was really good at it but i had some troubles when trying to access to it , i found that i can’t get into it , please help do i really need to do the transfere thing o access it or is it open to access only me i have this kind of things please write soon this is an emergency ,i’m expecting your replies this evening ’cause time is sliping away from me !

    • Hey man ! I had the same case , I was a scientific student , I had enough from science , physics , Maths and all this crap and now I’m studying English because I wanted to And I had no problem while signing up , Your English mark In the national Exam makes the difference , either you’ll be accepted or not ( It must be over 14 or 14 LOL) Good luck man!

    • Kin f casa , kin mohamedia , kin f rabat , merrakch , agadir .. fin mabghiti , khtar a9rab wa7da lik

  • Hi guys how are you i want to ask about the starting of educating this year 2014. please answer because i really need your help

  • salaam svp bghite ndir la fac d’anglais oma3arfa walo 3la test osh7al khassni nkoun jebt f examen ?? ps : ana 3andi bac science

  • hada howa l3am lawal liya f la fac … o ana sajjalt f dirasat l2injliziya nattamanna alllah iwaffa9ni w y3awanni bach naddi l2ijaza dyali f 3 ans … d3iw m3aya alakhouuut o makrahtch chi nasiha mankom

    • salam okhti ana bghit nsajjal zawja dyali f dirasat englais f casa, bach tnas7ini , f 2016 ghadi nsajjalha imken , achbanlik akhti bach tnas7ini? hit ana mabghithach te7dar sans présence , bghitha teqra f dar , manqderch nkhelliha te7dar dima achbanlik teqdar teqra mzyan hakka? hit 3ndha anglais mzyaaaaaaaaaaan .
      f lbac jabt 16 f langlais , 3ndha adabi

  • Salam ana kont dayra section anglaise mais hbastha f 2004 wach momkin nrja3 nkamal hit bac dyali b9a f la fac wbagha nkamal pleaaaaase answer me 🙂 thanks

  • Hi every one in the near future i want to study english in béni mellal i’m a hard worker in english i have 18.5 in the national exam so i want to know what is the subjects that you study there and how mush is it difficult and what is the jobs that you can reash by this diploma and thanks a lot my friends

  • 2015 ana bach sciences humaines bghit ndir english f la fac dial fes ..f ina blasa kayna wach dhar mehraz wla sais

  • Salam
    Ana manal kan9ra fe tanawiya andi ola bac kad3jbni engltch bzf bzf ms d3ifa fiha chwiya o mabaryach nmchi n la fac brit n9ra ela bara chni 5sni ndir w kifach 3anmchi w afkar dyali mchwcha bzf brit n3ml adab englizi ms 5awfana man9darchi eliha djini s3iba plz 9ololi chni n3ml w chni afa9 li fhad mada w chni kan9raw fiha

  • Ana khdit l bac f 2013 physique w dirt economie f la fac w mamchitch fiha mzian w diya3t 2 ans w db bagha ndir anglais ma3a 3ilm jibt fiha 17.50 f national..mais mzl 7ayra wach tns7ouni biha wla la!!??? Pls I need ur advices

  • please friends i’ve got a Q.. about the scholarship lminha wach mumkin kulchi yakhudha wlla li bah mowdaf nn?

  • hi guys !!
    3afakoom bghiiit n3raf kfch katdar l’inscription f la filière dyal anglais ..ana 3ndii Bac pc o jayb 18 f anglais f lwataniii o baghii ntsjal f ibn zohr f agadiir ..please answer me !!

  • Hey guys i have a question : i got 18 in the national exam but only 14 in class so i was wondering if im going to be accepted ? Or i’ll have to pass a test HELP PLEASE

    • Laa Had Le3aaam Telghaa Test w Telghaat hta deq No9ta Li Khaseq Tkon Jayebha , Lmohim 3andeq Lbac Mafaytah 2 ans Yemkenlek Te9ra English Studies , Good luck

        • Yes met2akeed sa9siit wahed mes2oltemahowa 9alghali 9ali telgha daqexi u ay Wahidyemkenlo ye3mel hadtakhasos ms rah khasek tkon metmekna men anglais

  • hey guys !! ana khdit lbac pc f 2015 and dert fac science li f rabat walakin i really want to study english but koula mera kandkhel l pré inscription makaykherjoush lia gae choix dyal l’anglais what should i dooo?!!!! pls help

  • ana khdite bac had l3am obghit ndir adab injlizi,ana jibte 12.5 f nationale f anglais wach momkin nt9bel ??

  • hello everybody . lmhm ndkhol fl mawdo3 bghit nsawl wach la faculté des lettres et des siences humaines bdat l inscription fiha ou bien non . jawboni pleaze !!!!!!!!!!

  • Hi everyone ! I wanted to know if I’m allowed to study English in the university even if i have a scientific baccalaureate thank you .

    • Hey there, i am scientific too,i think we are allowed.

      by the way, chhal jbti f anglais f natio ?

      • 18,5 but i don’t know why f l application makaynsh english or smtg ! Is it possible to apply directly f l university without had  » technology  » ?

        • hello ! I am a scientific student i love english language ,thus i wanted to go to university and further my studies in english instead of going to the high schools .. well, i got 19,5 in the national exam of english
          but my friends said that university is very hard and there are few opportunities to have an occupation here in Morocco even thought i got diplomats on it!
          I am still confused and i don’t know what to do
          By the way, i got just 14,5 in the general mark
          any suggestions ?? I would be glad to know if it is possible to study abroad .

  • Hi guys I just got baccalaureate this year (2016) and I don’t know whether my English is good or no. Whereas, I got 18 in national English exam. IDK if my English level will be good at the university. I want helps from the students who have experiences in English studies. Plz if u are interested to help me, text me on Facebook Atif khjali or Atif Muhammad. Many thanks


  • Salam c’est oumaima ana khdit bac svt had l3am u endi f class 19.75 u national 15 u dert transfert ms ba9i makhreju les résultats à vos avis ghadi nt9baaal plzzzzzz answer me rani m7tara

  • hello everybody ! please can anyone tell me what kind of jobs can we get after styding English , except a teacher !
    and thank you !

    • I Think kai9eblo khas wa9ila tkon la note tal3a 3endek fel résultat dial anglais sir lchi faculte des lettres et des sciences humaines w chof achno ghaygolo lik

  • Afakom ana khdit lbak had l3am s svt obit ndir anglais f la fac 3ndi 19.00 f anglais f national o 18,.. f l class ms galo liya ra nas l3ilmiyin ma3ndhoumx lha9 idirou anglais 3afakom xi ijaba lah ihfadkom

    • ana kent bac svt et mtn licence f litterature anglaise had l3am jay. et non tu as le droit bach dir li bghiti f la fac lettre.

  • Salam.
    Wach bessa7 kaydiro li9a2at kharij la fac..o bniissba lmo7ajabat kayzeyro m3ahom..3la l7ijab ..ze3ma 7it dayra zif ola ni9ab ga3 ma3ndehach l7a9 tekmel 9rayteha…😒
    Li3ando tajriba ifidna biha..allah iyessar ljami3..

  • Salam ana 3ndi bac svt drt lafac biologie walakin tlakit s3obat f dirasa ma rtahitch fiha w kanfkr nbdlha l eng .
    Walakin khayfa la ntlaka s3obat mli nbdlha awla mantkblch!

    • Dima katkon so3obat f lwl. Ms mn b3d katwlf ila katkhdm o ky3jbk chno kadir. Ila htajiti chi hajaa contact me on my facebook .. Azeddine Mouhcine

  • hi guys who would like to access into a group of fb or Watsapp to learn English i have had 5 Certificate in this language from US and Morocco and i have friends from America they would like to helps us in learning English

    • i actually have just taken my bac and im intersted in English nd i want to know if there are any schools to apply for it or the last choice is university and if you want to record in a school do u need to have an excellent mark?
      i hope u can help me

  • yes Hi . i’m a student in English Departement .. i have to ask you to forget about ‘the good marks’ you’ve got your whole life .. and forget that you are talented in English ….it’s a whole new level . starting from Words you have never heard before to the easiest grammar you have ever seen … and about what you are going to do later .. don’t bother thinking about it in your 3 years .. just think about your day and after all it’s the most wanted language in -at least- Morocco

      • Don’t be, everyone see things from his level, not from the top level.
        I mean what she saw « a whole new level » could be just a simple one for me or you…

        You need just to be aware about yourself if you really understand English or not, if you does, don’t think too much and go for your English studies.

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