bourses Etudes à la Russie 2013-2014


Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur, de la Recherche Scientifique et de la Formation des Cadres

Direction de la Formation des Cadres

bourses d’études à la  Russie

 Étude à l’étranger Russie

Le  Gouvernement de  la  Fédération de  la  Russie  offre,  au  titre  de  l’année universitaire 2013-2014, dix (10) bourses d’études au profit des étudiants marocains désirant poursuivre leurs études au sein des établissements russes d’enseignement supérieur (Licence, Master, Spécialité).


Les candidats auxdites bourses doivent satisfaire les conditions suivantes :   

-Avoir un excellent dossier académique;

– La durée qui sépare la date d’obtention du dernier diplôme et la date de début du programme d’études choisi ne doit pas dépasser trois (03) ans ;

– Etre âgés de moins de 25 ans ;

– Etre en bonne santé et sans contre-indications médicales.


Les    dossiers    de    candidature,    présentés    en    deux    exemplaires,    doivent comprendre les pièces suivantes faits en russe, en anglais ou en français:
– Formulaire de candidature avec une photo  d’identité en couleurs (4cm x 6cm);

– Copies des pages du passeport comprenant les informations suivantes :

numéro du passeport, délai de validité (une validité d’au moins un an et demi avant l’entrée en Russie);

– Extrait d’acte de naissance ;

– Certificat médical, sur l’absence de contre-indications pour effectuer des études en Russie, délivré par un organisme officiel de santé publique au Maroc ;

– Certificat médical de VIH/SIDA délivré par un organisme officiel de santé publique au Maroc ;
– Copies de tous les relevés des notes accompagnées de leurs traductions en russe et légalisées dans des établissements consulaires de la Fédération de la Russie au Maroc.Copies  des  diplômes  obtenus  accompagnées de  leurs  traductions  en russe et légalisées dans des établissements consulaires de la Fédération de la Russie au Maroc ;


Les formulaires de candidature, la liste des spécialités de l’enseignement supérieur professionnel ainsi que la liste recommandée des contre-indications médicales sont en annexes du présent appel à candidature.

 Mise a jour de Dernier délai

Les dossiers de candidature doivent parvenir à la Direction de la Formation des Cadres avant le 15 Mai 2013, délai de rigueur.

– Téléchargement de l’annonce en PDF

17 Commentaires

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  • russia fiha les racistes bzaf en plus je connais bcp de marocains qui ont changés la russie kainine des facultés 7eydou minhom l 3ti3af allah iwefek

  • hi i’m mohammed moutez , i’m 18 years old . Since The Government of Russia has launched its scholarship opportunities , i have been more enthusiastic and obsessed with the idea of pursuing my studies abroad especially in a very advanced country . Actually , i study english literature in University Mohammed V- Agdal in The Faculty of Letters And Human Sciences-Souissi in Rabat , i may assure you that my educational background is quite convenient to the requirements and conditions which were advertised on this website , and i’m interested of taking such an experience in a foreign country like Japan . Such an objective would be achieved by working hard in order to take advantage of this scholarship , that’s why i’m doing my best to make myself eligible to take an active part in this opportunity because this means a lot to me and to my studies . I’m looking forward to receiving your approval of my candidature and i’m pleased to submit my letter of interest to you and thanks for your attention !

  • hi i’m mohammed moutez , i’m 18 years old . Since The Government of Japan has launched its scholarship opportunities , i have been more enthusiastic and obsessed with the idea of pursuing my studies abroad especially in a very advanced country . Actually , i study english literature in University Mohammed V- Agdal in The Faculty of Letters And Human Sciences-Souissi in Rabat , i may assure you that my educational background is quite convenient to the requirements and conditions which were advertised on this website , and i’m interested of taking such an experience in a foreign country like Russia . Such an objective would be achieved by working hard in order to take advantage of this scholarship , that’s why i’m doing my best to make myself eligible to take an active part in this opportunity because this means a lot to me and to my studies . I’m looking forward to receiving your approval of my candidature and i’m pleased to submit my letter of interest to you and thanks for your attention !

  • hi i’m mohammed moutez , i’m 18 years old . Since The Government of Russia has launched its scholarship opportunities , i have been more enthusiastic and obsessed with the idea of pursuing my studies abroad especially in a very advanced country . Actually , i study english literature in University Mohammed V- Agdal in The Faculty of Letters And Human Sciences-Souissi in Rabat , i may assure you that my educational background is quite convenient to the requirements and conditions which were advertised on this website , and i’m interested of taking such an experience in a foreign country like Russia . Such an objective would be achieved by working hard in order to take advantage of this scholarship , that’s why i’m doing my best to make myself eligible to take an active part in this opportunity because this means a lot to me and to my studies . I’m looking forward to receiving your approval of my candidature and i’m pleased to submit my letter of interest to you. Anyway thanks for your attention !

  • hi i’m mohammed moutez , i’m 18 years old . Since The Government of Russia has launched its scholarship opportunities , i have been more enthusiastic and obsessed with the idea of pursuing my studies abroad especially in a very advanced country . Actually , i study english literature in University Mohammed V- Agdal in The Faculty of Letters And Human Sciences-Souissi in Rabat , i may assure you that my educational background is quite convenient to the requirements and conditions which were advertised on this website , and i’m interested of taking such an experience in a foreign country like Russia . Such an objective would be achieved by working hard in order to take advantage of this scholarship , that’s why i’m doing my best to make myself eligible to take an active part in this opportunity because this means a lot to me and to my studies . I’m looking forward to receiving your approval of my candidature and i’m pleased to submit my letter of interest to you and thanks for your attention !

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